Last Refreshed: 3/4/2025 11:06:14 AM
Last Refreshed: 3/4/2025 11:06:14 AM

GMO position

Ahold Delhaize brands are dedicated to helping customers eat well, save time and live better.  Our local brands focus on providing affordable nutritious choices and providing clear product information that enables customers to make choices that fit their needs, their tastes, and their values.

The public debate on bioengineering and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) is evolving and being held at different levels in different parts of the world. Ahold Delhaize understands that understanding genetically modified foods can be a complicated and sensitive issue for customers. Supporters of Genetic Modification (GM) see an opportunity for efficient production and increased resistance of crops and an opportunity to grow crops under more extreme conditions. Others criticize GM as it could negatively impact the environment (conventional crops, native plants, and animals) and people’s health (concerns ranging from allergic reactions to antibiotic resistance).

Ahold Delhaize supports transparency for customers through on-pack product labeling that is consistent and easy to read, so that customers are aware if a product contains GMOs or not and can make their preferred choice.

Each Ahold Delhaize brand decides whether to include GMO products in their assortments, which differ which differ among brands based on preferences of local customers.

In European Union countries, on-pack labeling is required if a product contains GMO ingredients. In Serbia, GMOs are prohibited by law.

Our Ahold Delhaize USA (ADUSA) brands are choosing a transparent labeling option to make it easier for customers to understand what’s included in the products they love by placing clear on-pack Bioengineered Food* disclosures for all private brand products. 

For our customers that are striving to avoid GMOs, we offer Nature’s Promise private brand products, which are USDA organic or do not have intentionally added GMOs. We also offer a select number of products that are non-GMO certified by a third party.

For customers who desire to altogether bypass some of the products that could contain GMOs, we recommend being aware products that have ingredients or single ingredients that the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) currently recognizes as crops or foods that could potentially contain GMOs. These ingredients are listed below:

·         AlfAlfa Apple (Arctic varieties)

·         Pineapple (pink flesh varieties)

·         Canola

·         Potato

·         Corn

·         Salmon (AquAdvantage®)

·         Cotton

·         Soybean

·         Eggplant (BARI Bt Begun varieties)

·         Squash (summer)

·         Papaya (ringspot virus-resistant varieties)

·         Sugarbeets

Ahold Delhaize brands do not knowingly sell animal products derived from genetically modified animals, nor do they have plans to do so in the future.

* Bioengineered considered U.S. equivalent regarding GMO